To be honest, this does not surprise me one bit. It is almost like a cat and mouse game from both ends. Celebrities trying to be and chase youth and perfection and the rest of mankind is trying to chase after celebrities, whom they, too, this is perfect. It was interesting that no one wanted to be made public when talking about how everything is photoshopped. Nothing in the industry is real. People would spend thousands of dollars and hours to critique everything about themselves. I guess money doesn't by happiness. It buys counterfeits. My thing is, why stay silent and anonymous when it comes to the tricks of digital editing if its something the public knows but fails to believe? It is apparent, especially when these celebrities are caught out in the open on the street by the paparazzi. It is false and it makes people believe that they have to look a certain why or dress a certain way. Sadly, the cat and mouse chase will continue.
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