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What is your previous computer experience? I have used computers through most of my academic career as well as vocation, mainly using Microsoft word.

What do you hope to get out of this class? I honestly hope to learn more about computer graphics, in order to link this knowledge with Photography. I also would love to take my knowledge and teach youth in inner cities as an outlet for them.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator? I do not have any experience in either one. This is one thing I am hoping to get at least the basics down. 

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Yes and no I do not have either on my computer

Do you use a Mac or PC? I use Mac

What do you hope to do with your major? I want to work for myself as well as collaborate with inner city youth programs to give youth exposure on a subject that is not typically provided in school.

Who is your favorite artist? I do not have a favorite artist. I just love graffiti work. Not so much tagging, but the well thought out color pallet.

Who is your favorite musician? Luther Vandross

Tell me something interesting about yourself? I like to get lost on purpose just to find several ways out without using a map because I hate sitting in unnecessary traffic. I am also very artsy and I stay in my own head, constantly thinking about new and random ideas.

Write a five line story?
Awaking from a deep sleep, Sal noticed there was too much light in the room
It was at that moment, Sal knew that he was late for school
Sal Jumped up, put on his clothes and ran out the door
While walking, a car hit a puddle and splashed water on Sal's khaki pants
When Sal finally got to school, looking all disheveled, he realized it was Saturday. No School.

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